BMS (v5.3.0) - July 2021

This release includes new features and fixes.

What's New

New Service Desk

BMS has a brand new service desk experience. Navigate to My Profile > Preferences > Service Desk Experience > New View to enable the new ticketing interface. 

  • Contacts Shortcut 
    • The ability to create a contact from the ticket is added in the new view.
    • Type your text and click on Add Contact and fill the form.
  • Views
    • A "System Default" view is added and will be used as default if no view was previously selected by the user.


BMS is refactoring the quotation experience. This experience will include feature enhancements and a new look and feel. 

  • Accounts and Contact Shortcut:The ability to create an account and contact is added to Quotes.
    • Select By CRM Account > Add Account
    • Select an Account/Project/opportunity > Add Contact

BMS Rest APIs V2

  • BMS has a REST API which is documented using Swagger. On SwaggerUI, you can view all the endpoints and try them. For more information, see V2 BMS Rest APIs.


New Service Desk

Fixed:The position of the cursor changed with the arrow Up or Down keys

New Service Desk

Fixed:Ticket > Add Expense, A negative value in the Mark up/down field threw an error.

New Service Desk

Fixed: When adding time entries, inactive work types were seen in the dropdown.

New Service Desk

Fixed:Time entries were inserted under an incorrect timesheet.

Service Desk

Fixed: Ticket > Print > Notes includes activity added by a contact.


Fixed: Merging of tickets from parent tenant to child tenant threw an error.

Service Desk

Fixed: HTML Zerowidthspace cleanups are added for URLs.

Service Desk

Fixed: Deleting a service call now removes the entry on the synced calendar.


Fixed: Billing automation jobs using an Ad-Hoc template failed to generate the invoice PDF.


Fixed:For a task imported via API, the Status field wasn't updated.